March 20th was my lat day of working at a local credit union. Ever since I was 16, I have either been working part time and school full time, or school full time and working part time, or a full time job and part time job, and finally with the most recent employer, this was the first time I've decided to enjoy life so I've only had a full time job for the last 3 years (unless it was tax time and then it was full time and part time jobs).
Needless to say, that when Friday afternoon came last week, I was getting a little scared as to what I would do with my time. I already knew that there is a lot to do with the house, I can be a better wife to Jason, better sister to my siblings, better friend, better visiting teacher, go to the temple more often, and focus on my health which is in great need of attention. I started thinking that there still wouldn't be enough for me to do.
Well, when Jason got home from work today, I had heard a little rumor of Bumblebee being in Vegas. Now, I HATE going down to the strip. Reason #1 - I am no longer a teenager (You use to be able to find me down at the Bellagio walking through the Garden or watching the fountains. It is my place to revamp my chakras.) Reason #2 - I've been to most of the sites on the strip so many times I'm worn out, therefore I only go down to the strip when there is something amazing to do (like visit Santa Claus or see a new show) Reason #3 - I HATE CROWDS! 'Nuff said. When I heard about Bumblebee, this totally fit under Reason #2, THIS WAS GOING TO BE TOTALLY AMAZING!!! How could I not surprise my wonderful comic geek husband with a trip to see Bumblebee?! (Totally win some best wife ever points!!)
While he was showering I searched everywhere trying to find out where he was. I asked the person I heard the rumor from, but she wasn't responding as quickly as I'd hoped being that TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY! I called my sister thinking she might know cause she is always in the know (hello, she's a cosmetologist), but no dice. I searched the net and found that he was at the CES convention, so I called my bro in law and he said CES wasn't in town now. =( Things were looking very grim. Jason got out of the shower and I told him of the plan (ruining the surprise), and his eyes looked at me with the that is so sweet that you'd think of going to that, I'm kind of bummed that we can't go and I'm tired look.
We searched EVERYWHERE on the internet trying to find out where Bumblebee is. Finally, deltamike on Flickr saved the day. He had posted pic's from the day before on his site and I was filled with so much excitement!!!
Jason, my mom and I set out to Paris Las Vegas to see Bumblebee. We got there and as we pulled into the driveway of the Paris, there was Bumblebee in the middle of the Arc de Triomphe! I think one of the funniest moment was when we started walking through the casino on our way to see Bumblebee, Jason had to stop for a minute to check out the G.I. Joe movie posters hanging up. (Told you, comic geek - but I love it!) As we walked out to the Arc, there was Bumblebee in all his glory. He was so cool!!! We took some pics while the sun was still up and he was AMAZING! Standing as close as I could and looking over at him, I was only as tall as his knees. After taking in all that we could for a while, we walked inside, but on our way in, we came across more robots in disguise! Bumblebee was surounded by Mudflap and Skidz. Totally awesome! We then ate at a little cafe inside the Paris where they no longer had gelato (which I was totally looking forward to.) There was an intriguing cast iron tool by the booth we were sitting at and after many many moments of contemplation, Jason figured it out, it was a medieval wine corking press machine thing. Pretty cool that they had one, and even cooler that my hubby was smart enough to figure out what it is! My brother and his comic geek wife, Katie (who is also the geek that wears the bands t-shirt to their concert), met up with us and we all went out to see Bumblebee again. Katie was just as amazed as the rest of us. After hanging out for a while, chatting and picture taking, it was time to go.
Walking back through the casino I saw a cake topper that I totally wish I'd seen 14 months ago. Oh well, maybe next round (totally kidding).