Monday, May 31, 2010

BUSY Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend is always a busy weekend. I love it though!

Mikey's birthday is usually during the weekend so Friday night we had a family dinner with my mom, and then Saturday was a huge party at Mikey's house with his friends and family. We ended up watching Kyler yesterday which is always a treat and now today we are going to have a bbq and swimming at Gretchen's.

What a fun weekend before it's back to the grind of work and school.

Thank you to all the men and women who have fought and will continue to fight to keep us free.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Law School

No I haven't switched majors however, after leaving the campus bookstore today, I came to realize why lawyers make so much money... so they can pay off all the student loans they had to take out to pay for their text books!

I bought my Business Law book today and for a used book, it was $187.50

My accounting books are pretty pricey too, but holy shiz! Could you imagine being in your last years of school and all your books cost this much??? My history book was only $37.50

Maybe I should switch to a History Major. lol right.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Out at the Farm...

My dad had to make a day trip to Utah and asked if I would mind taking care of the animals. As usual, I was delighted. I showed up to feed and these were the changes I saw:
  • Ginger, one of my favorite horses, now gone

  • 2 new horses, Sheeza and Vixen (Vixen looks nothing like a reindeer)

  • bunnies caged up every where and still some wild ones running around

  • goat by the entry gate

  • baby bunny bunnies every where

  • duck limping

Wait, wait... what was that??? A GOAT BY THE ENTRYWAY?! I called my dad and at first he told me, "there shouldn't be any goat there" and I was like, "well dad, that would explain why she looks so sad and mad as she sits there. She must have snuck in while you guys had the gate open and now she can't get home."

But, gullible girl that I am, he then told me she was supposed to be there. I could hardly stand my excitement. I had a goat right in front of me!!! I've seen goats before and even petted them at petting zoos and regular zoos and stuff, but here was one in my dad's backyard! Jason couldn't get to the house quick enough so I could surprise him. I wanted to call him, but I knew if I did I would spill the beans about Gertrude. That's what I named her. =)

Jason called me to tell me he should be there shortly and I had to get off the phone so quick cause seriously, I can't keep anything a secret or a surprise. As soon as he showed up though, I took him out to see the happenings of the farm. Every thing seemed normal, and then, there it was. The shock, excitement and awe in his face. HE SAW HER!

Now, earlier when I discovered her, she wouldn't let me near her. I walked in slow motion towards her, but she'd bolt the other way. I sat down thinking she'd come to me, but no. However, like most kids (not baby goats) and animals, Jason was allowed to pet her and feed her right away. Then, he went to sit down and she came up and starting nudging him to give her more attention, similar to Diesel, Jenny's dog.

Jason called my dad to tell him he liked the new addition and to find out what her name is since I failed in that matter. Come on, I was excited to play with a goat! We found out her name is Ariel, but I'm still gonna call her Gertrude. It's more fitting. We also found out she is not pregnant and she is indeed a she. When I first saw her, her beard made me think she was a he. A very fat he.

Gertie, what I call her for short, is an African Pygmy Goat. She is mainly black, has some white around her hooves and a stripe down her spine. Her goatee is gray. Since I had no clue she would be there I was not prepared with a camera, but this is the best pic I could find on the Internet. I will have to take a pic of her next time I'm out there.

See how they grow

I have a compulsive need to watch our plants grow. I check them before work, as soon as I get home, when Jason gets home, and again before bed. I want to see every millimeter of their growth. This also allows me to see things before anyone else as I try to see if anything is coming up. We finally have some carrots and onions coming up. They're small things, but they are the first to make an appearance!

Those are not huge sticks in the box, this little carrot is just that little. As you can see. It's nearly the size of my fingernail.If you click on this next picture, you should have an easier time trying to find this teeny tiny onion. Like I said, I am way to compulsive.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Filling her up!

We moved the planter box to the backyard. We filled her up with garden soil, sand and garden soil for vegetables and flowers. We have planted carrots, cucumbers and zucchini in the box and the two planter boxes next to her will have onions.

Nearly filled.

Jason planting carrots.
I did not realize how many onions there would be. If you want some, let me know.She's done. Now to water and watch the plants grow.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Making a filter, making a filter...

One of my favorite dumb movies to watch is Bio-Dome. Whenever I'm making something, be it dinner, a scrapbook page, a purse, whatever, I tend to sing "making a filter, making a filter, maaaaking a fiiilter" just like Steven Baldwin does in the movie.

I wanted to wait til our backyard was pretty to have a garden, but who knows when that will be. Jason and I went and got some lumber to make a planter box. Redwood is a good strong wood so we got that. It smells so wonderful! We then took our lumber to Mike's house, he cut it for us and then we came home to build our box.

We only got the end panels done as it was getting dark and we don't have a light for the garage bright enough to allow us to continue building.
The nearly finished box waiting for it's legs to be put on.
The box is done. So now it's time to take it in the backyard and fill her up!

May 18

It's Tuesday. My first day off where everyone else is working but me in about 2 weeks. I accidentally slept in til 11. Yes I know, live it up now cause once I have kids, I won't get that. Jason finished building our planter box last night, and I would love to go start planting things, but we built it for us to do together, so I'm thinking of other things to do. I need to find something quick before I start thinking too much and Jason comes home to a ball of tears. It's happened a few times and I get so embarrassed.

I'm going to make today a day that counts.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Forgot to test today.

I've been testing for ovulation the last few days and I was so caught up in stake conference and building a planter box that I forgot to test today. It's now 1030 at night and I'm wondering if it's still even worth it. Jason's passed out on the couch and even if it is positive, I doubt anything is going to happen.

I need to get Betty White's Baby Making Quilt.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ding.. Round Two.

Obviously, since you didn't hear an Hallelujah from my side of town last week, we are not pregnant. We passed all our tests except the important one... the pregnancy test.

A lot of things happened which made me believe I was, but I think I wanted it so badly, and even though I was trying to keep an open mind, I still only heard what I wanted to.

This means we are starting our second round of Clomid. I'm pretty excited about it.

However, I must say, I'm getting a little tired of the whole thing. This month I talked with a friend quite a bit about the going ons in my non pregnant life. We talked about how you take the tests, you take the temperatures, you analyze everything (which is great because most girls are great at analyzing and over analyzing) and once you find out you're pregnant, you still have 8 and a half months to go! I was told that it can be a loong pregnancy. From working in an OB/GYN office, I know that by month 7-8 most women are ready for the baby to be out! Some women don't even know when they're pregnant. So, in a way, I will be missing the surprise of, "OMG, I think we're pregnant!"

That got me thinking today that maybe if we don't get pregnant this round, we'll take some time off from "trying". I have just over a year left for my associates. I've noticed that sometimes when people get things they want, they don't work as hard for other things and I don't want to be one of those people that gets pregnant and doesn't finish my degree. I've already let too many things get in my way.

Furthermore, I would love to be able to just have the same mentality I did before all this and just let nature take it's course. There are women who get pregnant well into their 30's and the baby and mother are just fine.

There is a lot of thoughts going through my mind. Some of them organized, some of them a horrible train wreck. Right now, I feel that I will finish out this cycle, and if the end result is "negative", I can take all the energy and emotion I am putting into trying to conceive into becoming a better person.