This is no ordinary balnket!
This may look like a really cute, very simple blanket to you, but it's so much more! I know there are gardening aprons, cooking aprons, baking aprons, finger painting aprons, welding aprons, cosmetologist aprons, so when I saw a nursing apron over the weekend I thought, HOW GENIUS! I don't have any kids nor am I pregnant, but I have quite a few friends that are in the nursing stage of child rearing and I thought that these nursing aprons should make great gifts for those choosing to nurse. (I don't know if they're called nursing aprons, but that is what I am choosing to call them.)When I'm around friends at feeding time, they struggle with keeping the blanket covering their kid and them in a "modest" way. This weekend, at my friend's baby sho
wer, I noticed the hosts daughter trying to yank the apron off her mom, but because there was a simple neck strap attached to the blanket, the hosts' "lovelies" were not exposed to all of us strangers. The apron I have made for my friend is just a yard of fabric. The neck strap clasp is 1 inch D-rings. This was already oh so cute fabric, but to give it a little more flair, I added some rickrack as a border. The nice thing about making these is no one else has the same one! And you can find material to match almost any nursery or outfit mommy happens to be wearing!This cute little nursing apron is already spoken for. However, if you are in need of one, or know someone in need of one, contact me and we can work out details on getting you your own.
Jess! That thing is AWESOME! When I have a new baby, I'll have to buy one from you. I love it!
Hey girl!! that is awesome! i have always wanted to make one. My sister is having another baby, not sure if you knew. I want to get one for her. But seriously if you can find that fabric that is in the picture i want to one too!! let me know what we need to do. email of call me soon. I love ya!!
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