Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Calling

A few Sundays ago I was told that if I choose to accept my new calling, the other callings I have will be taken away. I liked my callings I had, but I will say I was ready for a new one. I was Music Committee Chairman and Ward Missionary. When they told me I would be a cub scout den leader, working alongside Jason, I WAS STOKED!

I love BSA. I love what they can do for boys and how they help them learn survival and how to be civilized respectable kids.

Tonight was our first night. I don't think it went too bad. Jason wasn't able to make it. He didn't get home from work til 730. Scouts was already over by then. It's definitely a new calling. I've never been in a scout calling. However, I feel it's gonna be so much fun.

1 comment:

Todd and Heather Moulton said...

congrats on the new callings..i have totally been out of it and just checked in to your blog - wowie! congrats and salutations! I hope you're plate doesn't feel too full now.