I arrived on Friday and the weather was actually great! It was getting to that humid time that I HATED! By Friday I was getting a little irritated with the weather, but that is o
ne of the greatest things about Missouri. I love how it can have a down pour in the middle of the day and be beautiful the rest of the day.

When Jason and I were on our honeymoon a cuople months before this trip, we got hooked on geocaching.

I have to admit when it comes to caching, Missouri cachers are almost as creative as Canadians. It felt like my mom and I walked all 30 miles of Parkway til she found this one IN the tree. She nearly fell in the middle herself just trying to get it out!

There is also the bird. When you are placing a cache, you always need to check with the owner of the property that it's ok to place the cache. When looking for the bird one, there was a gazebo right next to it that I thought it JUST HAD to be there. I didn't want to get caught walking around on people's property, even if they give the ok - I still feel like I'm terespassing, so I made my mom go hunting for it. After a few minutes, she gave up. I HATE not finding caches, so she satin the car while I went on a last hunt. Finally, after looking in a bush on the opposite side of the bush than the gazebo, I found the bird which was the cache!!! VERY CREATIVE!!!

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