Today was the Annual RC Willey Company Picnic. This is one day I look forward to every year. It's fun to see and chat with Jason's co-workers and their wives and families. I've been attending these with Jason for the last few years and every year is just as fun as the previous.
Last year, Jason got second place (though it should have been first) in the pie eating contest. This year, he tied for first. I did my wifey duty by cheering him on and telling him, "Don't taste it, just swallow it whole!!!"
They always have other activities for kids of all ages and employees, and this year it was tug of war. They had Henderson Store kids against Summerlin Store kids. Summerlin won, so then it was Summerlin kids against NDC (Nevada Distribution Center) kids. Summerlin won, but the NDC kids put up a good fight. Then it was the adults. Again, they started with Summerlin against Henderson. Henderson won. Then they brought in the NDC adults. All of us wife's were laughing cause when you think about it, NDC is where they haul furniture, move furniture, it has all the delivery guys, lift drivers, and basically all the buff guys, so us wife's knew our hubbies (and the few chicks that work there) were going to win.
The ref said go, and the NDC workers were nice to let Henderson think they might get a chance, but within 5 seconds it was over. There were so many guys (and girls) on the NDC side that you couldn't really even grab the rope! The Henderson side probably had 1/2 as many people on their side. I couldn't help laughing when the older people next to me started complaining about the match not being "fair". Let me just say this...
1. Just cause your job doesn't require you to be physically fit doesn't mean you can't work on your body.
2. If this were 20 years ago, you'd be next to me laughing at the George Burns' trying to beat the Dwayne Johnson's in Tug of War (yum... Dwayne Johnson).
3. Your husband chose to work at the other store.
All the other matches were so close they did best 2 out of 3. After the first win, they asked Henderson if they wanted to go again and they all were shaking their heads and saying "no". Ha ha ha good times.
The weather was perfect. The food was good. The company was great. Can't wait for next year!
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