I love that it is colder. September sometimes brings cold, but then it still gets hot towards the end of the month. Some of my favorite Halloween's I remember trick or treating in cold, sometimes rain. I hate the heat and if it weren't for most of my friends and family being here, I'd be outta here in no time.
I love pumpkins being every where! Fresh pumpkin in stores means there will be canned pumpkin on sale so I will be able to make pumpkin bread, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and other pumpkin type food. =) And, it's nice to be able to get $5.99 pumpkin pies at Costco.
There are also the other fun things like Ren Fair, Brewfest and Jason's Company Picnic. Last year there was a pie eating contest. The pies were frozen and though I think Jason actually ate more of his pumpkin pie, the other guy won cause his creme pie was lighter. He still got a "That could've been first place" parting gift. LOL I also get to see Melissa from high school. =) At least I know I get to see her and her cute family at least once a year.
I also love October because I gain an hour of sleep from Daylight savings, which prepares me for the next two months of wonderful holiday madness!

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