Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jason's Recovery

He's doing well. I know he's getting stir crazy. There's only so many movies to watch instantly on Netflix and he can only read so much without getting totally bored.

He's tring to be more mobile, but he also has to make sure to still keep all pressure off his foot. Which in turn makes his right foot very tired and exhausted. He wants to help out more around the house and he wants to do more physical things, but he can't. The crutches cause him to be very limited. Also, if he doesn't stay down and lazy, it will be that much longer before he heals!

I'm hoping his check-up this week will show lots of improvement. Maybe he will start to be able to start putting pressure on his foot. I doubt it, but let's hope.


Andrea said...

How long are they expecting him to be down?

Family von Graf said...

He will be outta work til Feb sometime. If he heals fast and gets through Phys Ther quickly, maybe by the end of the month. He has another check-up Wed, so we'll see what they say then.