The Forgotten Carols
Two years ago, Jason and I were part of the choir in The Forgotten Carols show by Michael McLean. That was the last year that Jeff McLean was performing. He went on to bigger things like Spam-a-lot and Legally Blonde. We had such a great time doing this by ourselves and together, that when we heard he was doing it this year, we were elated to be part of it again!
This year was just as great as last time. We showed up, had our dress rehearsal, had some dinner, got read
y for the show, and then, it was Showtime! Jason and I shared a room with Kristi. But we had many people stop by. Kjerstin and her hubby Steve, Nicole Nelson, all the boys from the boys dressing room across the hall. We even had a surprise visit from Jason's dad who nonchalantly snuck in back stage. It was also brought to my attention that Jason and I matched. Now... here's the story that goes with this. I don't have too many nice dress outfits. I have work clothes. I wear those work clothes everywhere because I'm in them most of the day and don't want to get home from work, change into after work clothes and then 2 hour
s later, change into jammies. So, I went out shopping to find a "jewel tone" top to wear for this event. I also went to find Jason a shirt because most of his button ups are white (for church) and the one or two other ones he has are too small and baby blue. I went to Penney's and got Jason's shirt and 2 different ties for him to choose from. (A poll was taken and everyone said he should wear the blue and black tie.) I had picked out 2 shirts from Penney's (blue sweater and purple top) and 1 from Lane Bryant (red ruffles). Since I was standing next to Nicole and Phil, I verified what they were wearing so I wouldn't clash with them. Nicole wore a fuschia top and Phil was in his suit, so it really didn't matter. I thought the fuschia would look great next to the blue sweate
r I got, so I wore that one.
As we were inthe boys dressing room awaiting Michael's arrival for our preshow "talk", everyone was pointing out that Jason and I were matching. One girl, I don't know her name, asked if it was a given that when you get married, do you always match? The majority of the answers were, "No. Only when you marry Jessica." Now, I'd just like to put it out there that Jason is a free man. He is able to do quite a bit on his own and doesn't need me to make his decisions (lol). Even if I did try to make him match me, he could have me change or go find soemthing else to wear (cause he did bring a black button up to wear - which I refused due to the black suit that he was already wearing and fading and blah blah blah). So, I do not try to make us match!
Disclaimer: I was sent a thank you card a couple days after this performance from a wedding we attended in November. In the photo I was wearing my green wicked dress my mom made for me, and Jason had on a white shirt and a green tie. Ok... so what. I do like us to match. It says we belong together. LOL
1 comment:
Your so cute!! I love that you match.. you did a great job at Forgotten Carols!! I loved seeing you there.
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