O Tannenbaum
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, why do you bring such misery?
K-Not really. I love Christmas! It is probably my favorite holiday, for all the reasons everyone else loves it... PRESENTS! LOL Just kidding. The first year Jason bought his house, he went and bought a Christmas tree and his roommate decorated it... horribly. I will not mention how, but I will say I took the decorations off immediately and dressed it appropriately. The following year, Jason and I went on a hunt looking for a tree. We went to Q'doba for some stamina, and then set off. We drove to Rancho and Craig to a tree lot we'd seen quite a few times. I asked Jason if he had cash and he assured me he had $40, plenty enough for a Christmas tree. I giggled a little and explained, "Honey, Christmas trees are at the cheapest $60." He assured me that he got the tree from last year here and it was $40. We got out of the truck and as we entered the lot h
olding hands, I went left and he went right."Jason, the Christmas trees are over here.""No they're not. They're right here.""Jason, we want these ones. Those are bushes.""No Jess. These are not bushes. These are the kind I had when I was a kid.""Well, these are the kind I had when I was a kid!"Needless to say, we had our first, not going to give in or budge fight in the middle of a Christmas tree lot. After some much very good debating, we came to an agreement, we would switch every year on what kind of Christmas tree to get. One year his kind, the next mine, then his, etc. Only one problem, "Jason? How are we going to decide who's turn it is this year?"With his favorite line, "We'll paper rock scissor it."I lost. No big deal though. I would still get my tree, I just had to wait another year. And THIS WAS MY YEAR!!!(Yes, we crammed the tree in the LUVMCHN's backseat. LOL)
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