Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's not you, it's me...

Classic phrase that a lot of us dread, however, I'm totally stoked to be able to tell Jason those words. Jason had to go and do a most awkward procedure yesterday morning, and around 2:30 in the afternoon, he was told his guys are perfect. =)

I'm way excited that we are that much closer to finding out the true solution of why we're not conceiving. I also feel a little more relaxed, cause had it been Jason, I feel the procedures and billings would have been great.

Since we know it's not Jason, I will be going on Clomid. Little scary for us, but we aren't given any challenge we can't handle.


The Mrs. said...

Yay! I'm glad it's working out! My hubbys swimmers aren't swimming, and add me in the picture too...you are in a much better scenario! I've taken Clomid before, and I had hardly any side effects! I would have them start at 100mg though, because I did 50mg and it only worked once. Yay! You'll be a mommy before you know it!

Anonymous said...

oh that is great news! I have been thinking a lot about you lately!! Just remember everything happens when it is suppose to! so, try not to stress about it!!!

Family von Graf said...

Thanks ladies. I am keeping a positive outlook. =)

Ryan said...

Great news! It was so good to finally meet you and Jason last week. I hope things work out for you guys soon. You are in our thoughts and prayers! I would love to keep tabs on you through the blog as well. Our blog is private but if you send me an email address I will send you an invite. Christyeve2001@hotmail.com
take care!

Stephen and Kjerstin said...

YAY! You two will be wonderful parents! The Lord will bless you with children...no worries. =)