This weekend was our "special time" weekend so Sunday morning Jason and I were "studying". I got so frustrated and so upset I broke down crying saying things like, "We're trying too hard." "Making a baby shouldn't have to be this complicated." and the like. Wonderful, adorable, affectionate Jason just laid beside me and let me know that things will work out. He loves me. Heavenly Father loves me. We're not being punished, He's just waiting for the perfect time to send them to us.
After a good talk, Jason took me to 7-11 for Slurpees. Yes, we ditched church, went to the Sev and then we went up to New Harmony to visit Jason's dad. It was a good chance to get studied up on my History homework/notes. When we got there, we took his dad to lunch. We wanted to go to Brad's Food Hut, but they were closed. Imagine a Utah store closed on Sunday. LOL So, we went to a national chain... Winger's. (I personally love getting Creamy Buffalo Sauce to dip teh popcorn in. YUM!)
We had a great afternoon with Jason's dad and Tammy, but then we rushed home to make it to Jenny's in time for my dad's party. Jenny made tacos. They were SOOOO good. I personally loved that she fried the shells. (I'm getting hungry.)
After dinner and pie, "Bitsy" Brittney, Bobby, Jason and I played some Mexican Train. I was creamed! Jason and I then headed off to Brian's Battle of the Bands. (Brian is Jason's little brother for those that don't know.

The judges said that the Forget Me Now's had original lyrics, kept the crowd pumped, had good communication with the crowd and the only thing they really needed to work on was their precision. I think it was precision. It was late by this time so I'm probably wrong. Anyway, it was a great day. I loved being able to see Jason's dad, my dad and getting a glimpse of how great of a dad my husband will be.
Keep those positive vibes up! God knows you and Jason and like you said will send you little angels when the time is right. It's hard to do this on His time when we want those things NOW! You are strong girlfriend! Call me if you EVER need to vent. Now that it's summer I'm free and I'm not far away. =)
I'm soooo jealous! WINGER'S?! Yum!!! I'm now wanting some potato skins! ;)
That's sounds like an wonderful day! That's cool about brian's band! I know things will work out for you guys, you are amazing and i'll be praying for you.;)
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