Jason and I have been talking for a while about maybe becoming volunteers at the temple. We thought it would be good for our spirituality and also get us out of the house a little more. We were concerned with our schedules, but knew that everything would work out the way Heavenly Father wants since he's the one ultimately in charge.
So, in Merry Julianuary, before leaving the temple one night, I talked with a lady and she helped me get signed up for a phone call to have an interview with the Temple President. Since talking to someone, I've been thinking, maybe we're not supposed to be volunteers and kind of letting my guard down to the adversary.
Friday, February 19th, I found out my sorority is being reestablished at UNLV. I emailed them to ask how I go about being part of it again and was so extremely excited to be involved in Zeta again! I called Jason to tell him my exciting news, and then he said, Jess, I'm not sure how much you'll be able to be involved, cause I just got a call from Sister Bell and we need to set a time to go meet with the Temple President. I have to admit, that I got slightly bummed at first, but then 2 seconds later I thought, HOLY MOLY! That is awesome! What a great day!!!
I told Jason that I was still waiting for my email back from Zeta and that I knew we would have everything work out the way it is supposed to. So, we set up our appointment with the Temple President on Saturday at 5. I also got an email back from Zeta telling me that my information has been given to the alumnae coordinator and that I will be able to get involved that way. I was pretty excited cause as an Alum, you don't go to chapter every week, you don't do as many things as the collegiate girls because you are supposed to be busy either with your career, husband or kids. So, that works out great!
We then had our interview with the Temple President. What a spiritual uplifting experience. He is amazing himself, but what he told us impressed me even more. Jason and I on our way to the temple had talked about the different things we could do there. The baptistry was one that we thought could be fun to do as some of the ordinance things could be kind of scary since we're still learning all that is entailed in those. President Ballard told us that earlier in the day he had been asked by the baptistry if he could help find more volunteers for Saturday afternoon and night to work in there. He said that it's a position for a younger couple, such as us, and that it will be the best position for us right now. It's kind of exciting to hear a Temple President tell you that you are the answer to his prayers. =)
We finished some small details, and as it is, we will be working the 4th Saturday of every month at the temple in the Baptistry. This next Saturday is our first day! We are both really excited.