On Friday the 12th, Jason told me the place he wanted to take me to on Sunday was booked and would it be ok if we celebrated on the 15th? I laughed and told him it was fine since that's what we agreed on a few weeks ago.

Monday was great. Jason had to work, but it was a short day luckily. He got home, showered and shaved and we were on our way to our fun night!
We started with seeing Valentine's Day at Aliante Station. Many critics gave this movie a thumbs down, but I disagree. There were a few dumb parts, but if I were 18 again and had a boyfriend that I completely loved, I wouldn't think those parts were as dumb. As for the rest of the cast, I loved it! And to stand on my soapbox a little longer,

Anyway, after watching the movie, we headed downtown. We had about an hour or so to kill before our reservation. Since we were downtown and the last time we were there we didn't get our Deep Fried Oreo's, I asked Jason if we could share an order and of course he didn't turn me down! We also thought we should try a Deep Fried Twinkie, so we ordered that also.
I have to admit, the deep fried Oreo's were delicious as usual, but I didn't really care for the Twinkie. It was deep fried, yum; a Twinkie, yum; but it was so greasy and just not what I thought and hoped it w

We walked around a little longer and found lots of fun stuff... some of it was supposed to be there, and some was just the wonderful different people of the world walking around out there. Mermaids is the place to be. That is where Nathan's is located. Nathan's is the place that you get the deep fried Tinkie, Oreo's among many other delectables. For those of you looking for a place with good drinks, they have plastic football cups you can fill with beer or any kind of margarita mixture you can think of (you can also fill a yard drink there instead

I told Jason that while we were down there I wanted to get a tattoo. Not a real one. I wanted to find a fake tattoo kiosk and get "Jason" written in script in big letters across my chest. That was going to be my Valentine present to him. ha ha ha
After searching the entire Experience, a had a brilliant thought, people down here aren't wanting to get fake tattoos, and if you're old enough to be down here, you are old enough to get a real one. This would explain why we couldn't find a kiosk and why I didn't get a "Jason" tattoo.
It was nearly time for our reservation, so we went to the 4 Queens. Jason was trying to pretend like it was a secret on where we were going, but I already knew. We were going to Hugo's Cellar. If you have never been there, I would suggest, you save some money, cause it is a little pricey - bout $40-50 a plate, and take someone very special to it.

Hugo's Cellar is just like a cellar should be, below the main floor. It's not directly below the main floor, but you do have to go down some stairs to a secluded, no trafficing, area. You check in at the hostess stand and wait for them to come get you so they can seat you. Everything is the same as a regular restaurant. Well, once they come to get you - cause they don't yell out your name, the hostess brigns a long stem red rose for all the ladies in the party. They then escort you to your table. The first time we came we were in a booth, but this time we were sat at a square table. Prior to us being sat, they had removed the extra settings and had only 2 plates with their utensils set according to table setting standards and a napkin folding in a tent on our plate. So far, it's just as perfect as I remembered it before.

They handed us our menu's, took our drink order and let us be for a few minutes. Jason got a strawberry lemonade which was absolutely divine! We're not sure what was put in it, but it wasn't just lemonade and strawberry extract/puree. This had bubbliness and a little limeness to it. So good! I just had water. I didn't want to get soda or anything that would ruin my tastebuds for the delicious meal I knew I would be getting. What I love about Hugo's, is even though you get water, they make you feel special about it by bringing a bottle of Hugo's Cellar water out and pouring it in your glass. No ice, just chilled water being poured.
Jason and I ordered. He was torn between quite a few things, but I was going to have the filet mignon. Jason was torn between the duck, veal oscar and veal chop. He decided to go with the chop. Our server went and put our order in, and then came the salad cart! YES, A CART!
The salad cart is something I haven't seen anywhere before. You get to pick out what you would like on your salad and then they prepare and toss the salad right in front of you. A few simple yes and no answers, and there you have a perfect salad! Tomatoes? yes. Mushrooms? yes. Pine nuts? yes. Red Onion? no. Parmesan cheese? yes. Bleu Cheese crumbles? no. Hard boiled egg? yes. Anchovies? no. (though last time I did try them.) Baby shrimp? yes. Croutons? yes. Cheese? yes. Which dressing would you like; caesar, orange honey walnut vinaigrette, or creamy pepper? creamy pepper. And there is my perfect salad!

While sitting at our table, enjoying my salad, I realized, Hugo's takes such good care of their patrons that they have people sit on the opposite side of the table from where the other patrons walk by. So essentially, on the opposite side of the aisle way. There is room for 4 at each table, but while we were there, everyone at the aisle tables only had 2 people and they sat on the opposite side of the aisle. How awesome is that? That was one thing I hated about last year at Ruth's Chris as that not only did we sit at a table directly in the front, right by where everyone was waiting to be sat, we had someone's butt resting on our table nearly the whole time. Last year was quite tragic.
Our salads were done and the server helper brought our little raspberry sorbet's to cleanse our pallets. Isn't that awesome? When I saw Princess Diaries I thought that only at royalty events or parties people did that. It's only a teeny tiny bit of sorbet, but it's more than enough to make me feel like royalty! Shortly after cleansing our pallets, our entrees arrive. Oh how perfect it looked! Side of garlic mashed potatoes, fresh steamed vegetable, and they're not the chips you usually get, these are strings of vegetables. LOVED IT! Then, there sitting on my plate was a perfect steak. It was so tender to cut into, but once it hit my mouth, it melted all over my tongue. Jason was full from his dinner, but he still helped me finish mine it

Our plates were taken and if I had room ,I would've tried the Banana's Foster. However, we told them there was no room and we'll just take the check. I forgot about the dessert they bring! They brought our check, along with a heated towel, yes to clean your hands and face and whatever else you do with a heated towel, and then they bring a little assortment of chocolate dipped strawberries, chocolate dipped figs and chocolate dipped dried apricots to dip in a fruit cream dip. Though none of those leaped at me and screamed "EAT ME!", I still loved that they brought it out. I did try half a dried apricot, the part with the chocolate. It will take getting use to. ha ha ha
Jason and I explained to one of our friends before that we aren't materialistic, that we like to experience things. This is one of those "experiences".
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