Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day makes me tingle

This year we are staying close to home. To be exact, we're actually only heading 1.4 miles southwest to my brother Mike's house for Thanksgiving.

When Mike sent out the invites, he made it clear he would be attending one, just one, Thanksgiving dinner and if anyone wanted to see him, they could come to his house. So, his in-laws are coming from Mexico, outer Nevada and I think other parts of Vegas, and my uncle Mike and family are coming from LA, grandma is here from Tahachapi or Bakersfield or wherever she is actually calling home now, and then the rest of us from the valley. There is supposed to be about 25-30 of us. I'm really quite excited about the whole thing.

I'm in charge of green bean casserole, as usual. Jenny's doing an assortment of potatoes, as usual. Mom's doing pies with Uncle Mike. Mikey's making 3 turkeys. *sigh* Thinking about all the food makes me tingle inside.

I hope you all have a tingling Turkey Day!

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