Yes, I'm a dork. I love the number 23 and only thought it very appropriate to celebrate our 23 month anniversary. =)
Todd and Andrea were our dates for the night. We tought dinner and bowling would be great, so I checked the Neonopolis, more specifically Jillian's, to verify that they were still operating and their website was still going and telling em who to contact for group events and other stuff. So, we drive down there, Todd and Andrea meet us there, and the place is vacant. There are 2 people walking around, but they were security guards yelling at us from down stairs that there is nothing open at Neonopolis...
Great. I better not have to pay for parking! (Thank you Mr Parking Ticket man for not making us pay the $1.50. I know it was "only a $1.50", but as my husband mentioned, we didn't get to do anything we wanted because you guys still have the websites rolling which is very misleading to me.)
Well, now what do we do? We're all pretty inventive and clever, so we decide to see what movies are playing at Sam's Town and if there isn't anything good, there is still bowling. Todd and Jason ride together and Andrea and I ride together and we get to Sam's. They had some movies playing, but it was getting late, Jason had to work the next day and to start a movie at 10 would be a waste cause Jason would fall asleep during previews.
We went to T.G.I. Friday's. Always a good place to go. We had a blast talking and quoting movies and just being silly friends.
There was no bowling, but the company was great and I'm ok with just hanging out with awesome people!
Thanks for the fun guys. And dang it! Next time we're downtown, remind me to get some deep fried Oreo's!
Fine. We'll Paper, Rock, Scissor it. If I win, we eat Hawaiian BBQ, if you win, we eat Pick Up Stix.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sarah - Woman in Genesis
Over the last year or so I have seen more books that help you to understand the Old Testament than I had ever seen before in my life. I know that the Old Testament has many great stories and lessons one could learn to help make one be a better person.
When the Women of the Old Testament book came out late last year, I bought it for me for Christmas. It has every single woman in the Old Testament down to little girls that didn't even have their names mentioned. A few weeks back I kept having Sarah pop into my head. I was unsure why, but then I started thinking of Sarah. From what I knew of her, she was Abraham's wife, couldn't get pregnant, her handmaid bore Abraham a son, and then FINALLY she had Isaac in her and Abraham's old age.
In November Jason and I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting. It was on having Courage and being of good cheer. I picked to talk on Courage and of course brought up my favorite story of courage... Esther. She was such a great inspiration to me growing up.
Esther was one of a few women that I greatly admired in the scriptures. Ruth was quite amazing too. I wanted to learn more about other people, more specifically women in the scriptures. There is a series called Women in Genesis by Orson Scott Card that I had bought from the book store. Leah and Rachel was the smallest book, so I read that one first. What an amazing story! I must admit I didn't care much to learn about these women, nor did I know who they were. After reading the book I felt so much more enlightened and had so much more respect for these women as they played a HUGE role in the history of this world. I had Sarah and Rebekah but was holding off on reading them for no known reason. I think I just found other books or things to do.

With the current situation, I felt inspired to read Sarah and get to know her more. I love historical fiction cause generally the authors use real events, but they add dialog and other embellishments to make the story more exciting and fun. I'm currently about a third of the way through the book.

It begins with Sarai, as that was her name then, as a little girl and her sister, Qira, getting married to Lot. Abram, as that was his name then, sets up the marital arrangement and meets Sarai. He promises to come back for her in 10 years, but after eight years Abram is not able to wait any longer and they get married.
I'm at a part in the book where Abram and Sarai go to visit the Pharaoh of Egypt. Abram had told everyone that Sarai was actually his sister, Milcah, in hopes that they will survive this trip, cause if Pharaoh knew that Sarai was who she was, a princess of noble bloodline, Abram will be killed so Pharaoh could marry Sarai. This is also the time that Hagar is given to Sarai as a gift from Pharaoh. Hagar learns that Sarai is Abram's wife and must keep it secret. She also knows that Sarai hasn't been able to bear any children. The two women have very strong personalities, so it's not surprising that the two quarrel. It's fun to see how they disagree and let misunderstandings come between them, but they eventually work things out.
The inspiration I received last night from the chapter I was reading helped me immensely. Sarai was praying to the God of Abram asking why he is hiding from her when other gods that she doesn't believe in are there mocking her and making her barren. She asked for hope and strength to conquer her doubts. Hagar seeing Sarai after the prayer says, "I have not seen such weeping in many years. Please don't cry so much." The two women talk about God, whom Hagar is having a hard time believing in, and the their current situation of Sarai not being able to see Abram, not being allowed to help with chores, and many other things. Hagar gets frustrated of fighting with her Mistress and addresses her as so:
["Mistress, why do you argue with me? You're a woman with a noble heart, not just a noble bearing. If your god is a God of gods, as you say, then he knows that. And for all you know, Mistress, he is planning great things for you if you only have the patience to wait for them."
Sarai opened her mouth to argue once again, but then realized: I asked God for an answer. Whose mouth did I think his answer would come from? Could Hagar's words not be God's answer to me? Be patient and wait. God is planning great things. "Once again, Hagar, you have taught me wisdom."]
Sometimes I think we look for answers to our prayers in the wrong way. A lot of you help me in being patient, but sometimes it's really hard. It's not that I don't take your advice and hugs, but sometimes I feel a letter in the mail from Heavenly Father or an angel dropping by to tell me to be patient are asking too much. lol Those scenarios are definitely not going to happen, and I need to start having better faith in how prayers are answered. I know one day Jason and I will have children. The trial is in finding things to occupy my mind and time until that blessed day comes.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Crawl in a hole kind of day
That's exactly what today was. I woke up with a slight headache, but after taking my meds and drinking some water, it pretty much subsided.
I didn't have much to eat for Breakfast, so after the sacrament was passed I had about a handful of hot peanuts. I asked Jason if my breath smelled and he said it smelled "hot". lol
The ward choir sang during Ward Conference today and for the most part, it was a normal Sunday. After the choir sang our Stake President, Todd Moody, spoke. Somewhere along his talk he spoke of a 24 girl on his mission that he thought he offended. He found out that she had been excommunicated from the church and this is where is gets blurry. I went on a tangent of thoughts of when I was 24. That was 4-5 years ago. What was happening in my life then?
-breaking up with a great guy but who was terribly wrong for me
-focusing on what makes me happy
-singing in the Institute Choir
-living with my sister
-trying to make ends meet
-finding out who I am and what kind of person I want to be
-got my patriarchal blessing
-deciding on what I wanted and DID NOT want in a mate and trying to decide on if I wanted one at the time (which of course I knew I wanted to get married one day, but after the relationship I was in the process of getting out of, I just wanted to be me. Be free. But in the event that someone came along, I wanted to know right off whether or not I should waste my time or theirs, so that's when my "list" was made.)
Prior to 24, mainly 19-23, I had many many things I did that I am not very excited to brag about. Even carrying some of those things into 24 and 25. I started thinking of those things and how STUPID I was for doing them. Thinking of some of those acts got me thinking of my present situation. Without doing those stupid things, I wouldn't be who I am today and I wouldn't have the life I have today.
However, I know that I have an amazing husband, but then I started thinking, If I hadn't done some of those things, would I be blessed with a kid today? (and the tears start) I then progressed in my tangent about Why am I not getting pregnant? Why is it taking so long? What should I do to help get me pregnant? How come I'm not getting pregnant? What have I done so terribly that I am making it impossible for Jason and I to be parents? And then I started getting selfish... What if Katie, my brother' wife, gets pregnant before me? Last thing I knew she wasn't wanting to have kids anytime soon. Am I going to have to wait that long? what if we're never able to get pregnant? What if we adopt? Are our families still going to love our adopted kid as much as they would a blood kid? (large crocodile tears pooling in my eyes)
I tried not to dwell on my tangent cause I try to be strong about the whole thing and I was doing pretty well. I tried paying attention to the talk again, but I couldn't keep my brain from going 10,000 miles per second thinking other things like, Well, maybe we're going to have a Jersey Girl story and something will happen to one of us when our first kid is born and then what? (which I always tear up when I think of living without Jason). Maybe that's why I'm going back to school. Is something going to happen to Jason? I will need to support our kid and having a degree will help me find a job. I can't be a parent without Jason. How will I learn patience?
Before I knew it, the talk was over and we sang the closing hymn, and on the last line of the 3rd and last verse, the tears over ruled their limit and came crashing down my cheeks. I tried to wipe them away as the closing prayer was being said, but they wouldn't stop! Everybody was going to their classes and I didn't want to draw attention to myself so Jason and I sat there for a while. People walking by informed us of where to go for class, since it was combined classes today and a couple people checked on us, but all I could do was hide my face and let Jason tell people we're ok. Finally after about a half hour of crying in the chapel, I got enough composure to spill the beans to Jason about why I was melting down. (more tears making a river down my face)
Jason, of course, just held me and let me cry for a while. He reassured me that we will have kids one day but all I could tell him was, "I'm losing hope in that." I'll be 29 in 3 months. 29! In mormon years, I may as well be a grandma. Which don't think that didn't cross my mind. I meet up with friends for their playdates and some of them are done having kids. I have other friends who have 10, 11, 12 and 13 year olds. If I had a baby this year, their kids would be able to babysit mine! FURTHERMORE, in a few years, if I still have no kids, my friends will be grandparents while I'm still trying to have kids! I asked Jason, "Whose going to have playdates with me?!"
I tried to put my best face on and told Jason that if he can't find me at the end of class, I'd be in the Mother's Lounge. As far as I knew, not too many people use it anymore. I was planning on it being empty, but when I walked in, there was a new mother in there. She was feeding her son who will be 1 year old in a couple weeks. Had it been anybody else, I would've left and not stayed, but because it was her, and by the feeling I had, I sat in the chair next to her. (I have only met this sister a few times and there was one thing I knew we had in common... she had a hard time getting pregnant too.)
After some meditating and a quick prayer on how to approach this "sister", I finally whispered her name. She turned to me, eye brows lifted in a "what's up?" kind of way. So I asked her, "How did you get through your low days?"
She asked, "What low days? You mean the ones where you see cute babies and kids everywhere? Pregnant people everywhere? Where you sit in Relief Society and people go on about how they feel so blessed to know that they are worthy enough to be a mother which makes you feel inept? And you have no clear reason as to why you haven't gotten pregnant yet?" Shamefully I started crying again and answered, "ya." I knew that I took her back to her time when she was having problems and her sympathetic reply was, "I cried a lot and prayed a lot." So, I said, "well, at least I know I'm doing it right."
I was so thankful to have that sister with me in that room. That sister was a tremendous help to me. We talked about medications we have been on, what options there are, which doctors we've been to, other people we know that have had similar experiences and how they got through it. I think my favorite part of our talk was that she gave me her phone number and email for any questions, concerns or comments and that she also gave me the title to a book that helped her out when she was where I am.
After church, Jason and I went to 7-11 to get slurpees as promised (yes, sorry about breaking the sabbath). I got home and logged onto the LV-CC Library site and requested Taking Charge of Your Fertility. The sister told me that it helped her to get to know her body better than any other resource. She assured me it wasn't just a book to help unfertile people get fertile, but it was knowing what changes your body does and how to recognize them. The book should be coming soon as the copy I requested no one had reserved. I am feeling much better now, but what a mess I was this morning!
I didn't have much to eat for Breakfast, so after the sacrament was passed I had about a handful of hot peanuts. I asked Jason if my breath smelled and he said it smelled "hot". lol
The ward choir sang during Ward Conference today and for the most part, it was a normal Sunday. After the choir sang our Stake President, Todd Moody, spoke. Somewhere along his talk he spoke of a 24 girl on his mission that he thought he offended. He found out that she had been excommunicated from the church and this is where is gets blurry. I went on a tangent of thoughts of when I was 24. That was 4-5 years ago. What was happening in my life then?
-breaking up with a great guy but who was terribly wrong for me
-focusing on what makes me happy
-singing in the Institute Choir
-living with my sister
-trying to make ends meet
-finding out who I am and what kind of person I want to be
-got my patriarchal blessing
-deciding on what I wanted and DID NOT want in a mate and trying to decide on if I wanted one at the time (which of course I knew I wanted to get married one day, but after the relationship I was in the process of getting out of, I just wanted to be me. Be free. But in the event that someone came along, I wanted to know right off whether or not I should waste my time or theirs, so that's when my "list" was made.)
Prior to 24, mainly 19-23, I had many many things I did that I am not very excited to brag about. Even carrying some of those things into 24 and 25. I started thinking of those things and how STUPID I was for doing them. Thinking of some of those acts got me thinking of my present situation. Without doing those stupid things, I wouldn't be who I am today and I wouldn't have the life I have today.
However, I know that I have an amazing husband, but then I started thinking, If I hadn't done some of those things, would I be blessed with a kid today? (and the tears start) I then progressed in my tangent about Why am I not getting pregnant? Why is it taking so long? What should I do to help get me pregnant? How come I'm not getting pregnant? What have I done so terribly that I am making it impossible for Jason and I to be parents? And then I started getting selfish... What if Katie, my brother' wife, gets pregnant before me? Last thing I knew she wasn't wanting to have kids anytime soon. Am I going to have to wait that long? what if we're never able to get pregnant? What if we adopt? Are our families still going to love our adopted kid as much as they would a blood kid? (large crocodile tears pooling in my eyes)
I tried not to dwell on my tangent cause I try to be strong about the whole thing and I was doing pretty well. I tried paying attention to the talk again, but I couldn't keep my brain from going 10,000 miles per second thinking other things like, Well, maybe we're going to have a Jersey Girl story and something will happen to one of us when our first kid is born and then what? (which I always tear up when I think of living without Jason). Maybe that's why I'm going back to school. Is something going to happen to Jason? I will need to support our kid and having a degree will help me find a job. I can't be a parent without Jason. How will I learn patience?
Before I knew it, the talk was over and we sang the closing hymn, and on the last line of the 3rd and last verse, the tears over ruled their limit and came crashing down my cheeks. I tried to wipe them away as the closing prayer was being said, but they wouldn't stop! Everybody was going to their classes and I didn't want to draw attention to myself so Jason and I sat there for a while. People walking by informed us of where to go for class, since it was combined classes today and a couple people checked on us, but all I could do was hide my face and let Jason tell people we're ok. Finally after about a half hour of crying in the chapel, I got enough composure to spill the beans to Jason about why I was melting down. (more tears making a river down my face)
Jason, of course, just held me and let me cry for a while. He reassured me that we will have kids one day but all I could tell him was, "I'm losing hope in that." I'll be 29 in 3 months. 29! In mormon years, I may as well be a grandma. Which don't think that didn't cross my mind. I meet up with friends for their playdates and some of them are done having kids. I have other friends who have 10, 11, 12 and 13 year olds. If I had a baby this year, their kids would be able to babysit mine! FURTHERMORE, in a few years, if I still have no kids, my friends will be grandparents while I'm still trying to have kids! I asked Jason, "Whose going to have playdates with me?!"
I tried to put my best face on and told Jason that if he can't find me at the end of class, I'd be in the Mother's Lounge. As far as I knew, not too many people use it anymore. I was planning on it being empty, but when I walked in, there was a new mother in there. She was feeding her son who will be 1 year old in a couple weeks. Had it been anybody else, I would've left and not stayed, but because it was her, and by the feeling I had, I sat in the chair next to her. (I have only met this sister a few times and there was one thing I knew we had in common... she had a hard time getting pregnant too.)
After some meditating and a quick prayer on how to approach this "sister", I finally whispered her name. She turned to me, eye brows lifted in a "what's up?" kind of way. So I asked her, "How did you get through your low days?"
She asked, "What low days? You mean the ones where you see cute babies and kids everywhere? Pregnant people everywhere? Where you sit in Relief Society and people go on about how they feel so blessed to know that they are worthy enough to be a mother which makes you feel inept? And you have no clear reason as to why you haven't gotten pregnant yet?" Shamefully I started crying again and answered, "ya." I knew that I took her back to her time when she was having problems and her sympathetic reply was, "I cried a lot and prayed a lot." So, I said, "well, at least I know I'm doing it right."
I was so thankful to have that sister with me in that room. That sister was a tremendous help to me. We talked about medications we have been on, what options there are, which doctors we've been to, other people we know that have had similar experiences and how they got through it. I think my favorite part of our talk was that she gave me her phone number and email for any questions, concerns or comments and that she also gave me the title to a book that helped her out when she was where I am.
After church, Jason and I went to 7-11 to get slurpees as promised (yes, sorry about breaking the sabbath). I got home and logged onto the LV-CC Library site and requested Taking Charge of Your Fertility. The sister told me that it helped her to get to know her body better than any other resource. She assured me it wasn't just a book to help unfertile people get fertile, but it was knowing what changes your body does and how to recognize them. The book should be coming soon as the copy I requested no one had reserved. I am feeling much better now, but what a mess I was this morning!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Answered Prayers
My testimony of prayer grew a little bigger today, again.
A couple weeks ago I knew that my friend Charlotte needed to have a night with Jason. I had been talking to her a few times through the holidays and into the new year and for some reason, I felt that Jason needed to call her and offer priesthood things he could perform. When he did, she said she did want to see him and would love a "blessing". Jason met her before she went to work and they had some dinner. Jason came home feeling pretty good about the night and when I woke up the next morning, I had a text from Charlotte saying, "Jason is amazing and I'm lucky to have him". Within the next 48 hours, Charlotte's mom passed.
I had cleared it with work earlier in the week to leave at exactly 1pm today to make it to the funeral in Henderson on time. Jason also tried getting the day off, but was denied and told that if no one calls in, he can work in the warehouse for a few hours and then go home.
So, during our morning prayers, I asked Heavenly Father to help us get to our destinations on time and in safety. That Jason would be able to make it home in time to get presentable and be able to pick me up from work.
I got as ready as I could for the funeral before work so in case we were running terribly behind, me getting finished ready wouldn't put us even more behind. I got to work at 835 and started logging on to my computer and getting set up for the day. I saw a co-worker show up and for some reason I checked to see the schedule to see who else was working and saw that this co-worker wasn't scheduled. After talking with him and the manager, they let me go home and he stayed.
My prayer was answered cause there is a girl I work with who is usually at work before me. She was planning on leaving Vegas after work to go visit her husband in Phoenix for the weekend and if she had been there when we were discussing me leaving, it would have been a total mess and neither one of us probably would've been able to leave.
So, I called Jason to see what things were like at his work. Did he go out on a bay? How many stops? When will he be home? Etc Etc Etc When he answered, he told me he had just walked in the house. He also told me that there was another guy that also requested to have the day off to attend a funeral, and though he had to go out, His day that looked pretty long actually ended up getting cut in half due to other circumstances.
I was so relieved that our prayers were answered and we were able to make it to the funeral in our Sunday best looking our Sunday best.
Valoy Heki - We will miss you greatly. See you on the other side. =)
A couple weeks ago I knew that my friend Charlotte needed to have a night with Jason. I had been talking to her a few times through the holidays and into the new year and for some reason, I felt that Jason needed to call her and offer priesthood things he could perform. When he did, she said she did want to see him and would love a "blessing". Jason met her before she went to work and they had some dinner. Jason came home feeling pretty good about the night and when I woke up the next morning, I had a text from Charlotte saying, "Jason is amazing and I'm lucky to have him". Within the next 48 hours, Charlotte's mom passed.
I had cleared it with work earlier in the week to leave at exactly 1pm today to make it to the funeral in Henderson on time. Jason also tried getting the day off, but was denied and told that if no one calls in, he can work in the warehouse for a few hours and then go home.
So, during our morning prayers, I asked Heavenly Father to help us get to our destinations on time and in safety. That Jason would be able to make it home in time to get presentable and be able to pick me up from work.
I got as ready as I could for the funeral before work so in case we were running terribly behind, me getting finished ready wouldn't put us even more behind. I got to work at 835 and started logging on to my computer and getting set up for the day. I saw a co-worker show up and for some reason I checked to see the schedule to see who else was working and saw that this co-worker wasn't scheduled. After talking with him and the manager, they let me go home and he stayed.
My prayer was answered cause there is a girl I work with who is usually at work before me. She was planning on leaving Vegas after work to go visit her husband in Phoenix for the weekend and if she had been there when we were discussing me leaving, it would have been a total mess and neither one of us probably would've been able to leave.
So, I called Jason to see what things were like at his work. Did he go out on a bay? How many stops? When will he be home? Etc Etc Etc When he answered, he told me he had just walked in the house. He also told me that there was another guy that also requested to have the day off to attend a funeral, and though he had to go out, His day that looked pretty long actually ended up getting cut in half due to other circumstances.
I was so relieved that our prayers were answered and we were able to make it to the funeral in our Sunday best looking our Sunday best.
Valoy Heki - We will miss you greatly. See you on the other side. =)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
One month til VDAY!
I love VDAY! I really do. It's probably my favorite holiday right after Christmas.
Anyway, I have a funny story to share. I think it was Monday night, I asked Jason if he wanted to drive the car to work and with a very excited expression he shouted, YES!
I giggled cause usually he doesn't get that excited when I ask if he wants to drive the car. So, I laid the keys out for him.
Tuesday morning came and he left. I got ready for work and went out to the Jeep. I got in and started it and there it was. The odometer was at 111098.
I got all excited cause Jason gave up his chance to see the odometer at 111111 so I could see it. =D
He really is fantastic. He knows what little things make me excited. And it did. I had a fantastic day the rest of the day! Picture will come later cause you know I took one! lol
Anyway, I have a funny story to share. I think it was Monday night, I asked Jason if he wanted to drive the car to work and with a very excited expression he shouted, YES!
I giggled cause usually he doesn't get that excited when I ask if he wants to drive the car. So, I laid the keys out for him.
Tuesday morning came and he left. I got ready for work and went out to the Jeep. I got in and started it and there it was. The odometer was at 111098.
I got all excited cause Jason gave up his chance to see the odometer at 111111 so I could see it. =D
He really is fantastic. He knows what little things make me excited. And it did. I had a fantastic day the rest of the day! Picture will come later cause you know I took one! lol
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
There have been many ups and many downs of my current job. For those that don't know, I've been at Bank of America as a teller since I quit Ensign last March. I've only been part time which is what Jason and I worked towards. However, now they've come to me saying that my hours (or other part timers) will be getting hours cut.
Since I've been working 30 something hours last week, this week and next week, I was looking forward to my 20 hours again, but I was informed that if someone doesn't transfer to a different location, I will be getting less than 20 hours.
There is a branch even closer than where I am now that is looking for part time, but I'm not sure I want to go there. As Jason pointed out, there is a whole new group of co-workers I have to get to know AND new customers. Which, you wouldn't think it, but customers get comfortable with their tellers and they don't like having "new to the banking center" tellers even though you may have been with the company a while.
So, I'm trying to decide what I want to do. I think if the new banking center will let me have Mondays off, I may just take it. When I became ATM Custodian at my current branch it kind of eliminated Jason's and my "weekend" (being Sunday Monday off).
Please help me in praying for the right thing to do.
Since I've been working 30 something hours last week, this week and next week, I was looking forward to my 20 hours again, but I was informed that if someone doesn't transfer to a different location, I will be getting less than 20 hours.
There is a branch even closer than where I am now that is looking for part time, but I'm not sure I want to go there. As Jason pointed out, there is a whole new group of co-workers I have to get to know AND new customers. Which, you wouldn't think it, but customers get comfortable with their tellers and they don't like having "new to the banking center" tellers even though you may have been with the company a while.
So, I'm trying to decide what I want to do. I think if the new banking center will let me have Mondays off, I may just take it. When I became ATM Custodian at my current branch it kind of eliminated Jason's and my "weekend" (being Sunday Monday off).
Please help me in praying for the right thing to do.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Laughter is the best medicine
I guess it's a good thing that I wasn't able to donate blood this last Saturday cause I had a mild flu last week that turned into a severe thunderstorm Sunday. Sunday night we were watching a movie and my throat swelled up and it hurt badly to swallow. I thought some sprite would make it feel better, but nope. I went to bed hoping that sleep would wear it out, but by the time I woke up, I felt a little flushed, kept coughing, I couldn't take deep breaths cause my lungs felt like they were being stabbed by millions of little needles, my throat felt 10 times worse, my body ached, I felt the constant need to puke and I was freezing (this is very odd considering I run nearly as hot as my heater of a husband).
I wanted to call in to work, but I don't have a "call in" bone in me, so I took a shower thinking that might help, and though the moisture did help, I still felt miserable. I'm sure a lot of you were hoping what I was, that I was pregnant, but low and behold, if my day couldn't get worse, I started. (On a brighter note, that means I am now at a 31 day cycle! WOOHOO!)
So, I trekked off to work and what a joke!!! I called the Dr to see when I could get in and they had appt's all day but to make it easier on my co-workers, I took a late appt. By 10 I was done. My head was burning up even though my body was freezing, I had a terrible headache, I couldn't stand next to the counter cause it pushed on my tummy which nearly made me hurl quite a few times, I kept having to sit every 1/2 or so cause standing was too much, every part of my body (mainly joints) were hurting. I could barely stand and I kept wanting to leave but my bosses wouldn't let me. (Now I know to call in next time and take the heat than deal with their BS.) FURTHERMORE, if I wasn't already looking like crud and feeling like crud, The Dumb-A (CAPITAL A) that I work with decided to leave the freaking door open when he smoked!!! I had to stop helping my customer cause I couldn't breathe, and nearly passed out and then got attitude from my coworkers cause I asked them to close the door. Finally by 2 my boss said I could go. Gee thanks.
Jason picked me up to take me to the dr and that was a big joke too. I understand that some places are terribly busy, and that when you have an appt at 340, you had better be there or you lose. However, I don't get someone showing up 20 minutes early for her appt and someone showing up at the office twenty minutes after her and being seen for her appt she is late for before the poor dieing girl that was there first! Once I finally got to see the dr, He told me it wasn't strep, I just have a severe sore throat and that they are going to give me 2 shots, some steroid pills and antibiotics. He also asked if I needed Tylenol with Codeine to help me swallow things and not let it hurt. Ummm... no thanks doc. I already have quite a few things to take don't want them to all cancel each other out. You would think for a severe sore throat you wouldn't need all that, but hey, I'm not a doc.
So, the nurse comes in and tells me to hop off the table. I'm thinking that I'm going to be getting these in the arms but oh no. "Ok Jessica, Ones going in your cheek and one in the other. So drop em." O.o Seriously? I have never had butt shots before and I don't think I will ever care to have them again! OUCH!
So, Jason and I stop for KFC Gravy with some mashed potatoes and we get home. And this is one of the reasons I love Jason.
Jason: Sweetheart, I know I can't make you feel better, but is there anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable?
Jessica: You could do the chicken dance for me.
So he starts swinging his arms and gobbling. Though it made me laugh,
Jessica: No Jason, the CHICKEN DANCE!!!
So, with a little help from his sick wife, we get the right song and he sings and dances the chicken dance for me. LOL
When I asked for a louder encore he told me no, but I was laughing and coughing so much I didn't care.That will be stuck in my head for a LONG time.
For those who may not know what the chicken dance is, this is the best video I could find of it.
I wanted to call in to work, but I don't have a "call in" bone in me, so I took a shower thinking that might help, and though the moisture did help, I still felt miserable. I'm sure a lot of you were hoping what I was, that I was pregnant, but low and behold, if my day couldn't get worse, I started. (On a brighter note, that means I am now at a 31 day cycle! WOOHOO!)
So, I trekked off to work and what a joke!!! I called the Dr to see when I could get in and they had appt's all day but to make it easier on my co-workers, I took a late appt. By 10 I was done. My head was burning up even though my body was freezing, I had a terrible headache, I couldn't stand next to the counter cause it pushed on my tummy which nearly made me hurl quite a few times, I kept having to sit every 1/2 or so cause standing was too much, every part of my body (mainly joints) were hurting. I could barely stand and I kept wanting to leave but my bosses wouldn't let me. (Now I know to call in next time and take the heat than deal with their BS.) FURTHERMORE, if I wasn't already looking like crud and feeling like crud, The Dumb-A (CAPITAL A) that I work with decided to leave the freaking door open when he smoked!!! I had to stop helping my customer cause I couldn't breathe, and nearly passed out and then got attitude from my coworkers cause I asked them to close the door. Finally by 2 my boss said I could go. Gee thanks.
Jason picked me up to take me to the dr and that was a big joke too. I understand that some places are terribly busy, and that when you have an appt at 340, you had better be there or you lose. However, I don't get someone showing up 20 minutes early for her appt and someone showing up at the office twenty minutes after her and being seen for her appt she is late for before the poor dieing girl that was there first! Once I finally got to see the dr, He told me it wasn't strep, I just have a severe sore throat and that they are going to give me 2 shots, some steroid pills and antibiotics. He also asked if I needed Tylenol with Codeine to help me swallow things and not let it hurt. Ummm... no thanks doc. I already have quite a few things to take don't want them to all cancel each other out. You would think for a severe sore throat you wouldn't need all that, but hey, I'm not a doc.
So, the nurse comes in and tells me to hop off the table. I'm thinking that I'm going to be getting these in the arms but oh no. "Ok Jessica, Ones going in your cheek and one in the other. So drop em." O.o Seriously? I have never had butt shots before and I don't think I will ever care to have them again! OUCH!
So, Jason and I stop for KFC Gravy with some mashed potatoes and we get home. And this is one of the reasons I love Jason.
Jason: Sweetheart, I know I can't make you feel better, but is there anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable?
Jessica: You could do the chicken dance for me.
So he starts swinging his arms and gobbling. Though it made me laugh,
Jessica: No Jason, the CHICKEN DANCE!!!
So, with a little help from his sick wife, we get the right song and he sings and dances the chicken dance for me. LOL
When I asked for a louder encore he told me no, but I was laughing and coughing so much I didn't care.That will be stuck in my head for a LONG time.
For those who may not know what the chicken dance is, this is the best video I could find of it.
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