Many moons ago, in a land far away (also known as Harmon and Boulder), there was a boy named Jason. He met this charming girl named Jessica who moved into the apartment building next to his.
He loved hanging out with her, but sometimes he loved playing World of Warcraft more. (He wouldn't admit it then.) Well, Jessica tried seeing what was taking up Jason's time when she wasn't around and found there was a little man, a gnome to be exact, that Jason spent all his time with. The gnomes name... Heyreb. Jessica thought it was a funny name and kind of left it at that.
When she started playing the addicting game, she found that people pick names that mean something to them, that's if they are creative enough. Some people pick random game generated names. Boo... no fun. Jason's character Heyreb started a little fling with Jessica's character and they have been to the ends of the world and back again.
Back to RL (real life). I wanted to do something fun and exciting for giggles the other night, so I took Jason to the middle of town. We ate at Jason's Deli and then went to UNLV. Jason could not guess where we were going. That's a first. We were walking around and I was asking him what things were, and what buildings were where. AND THERE IT WAS!!!
Jess: Jason, what's that?
Jason: Oh, that's the Alumni Building.
Jess: No... what's that?
Jason: That's the building where alum's come and hang out and they do...
Jess: No Jason. The thing in front of the entrance.
Jason: I don't know... OH! It's a Heyreb!!!
He loved hanging out with her, but sometimes he loved playing World of Warcraft more. (He wouldn't admit it then.) Well, Jessica tried seeing what was taking up Jason's time when she wasn't around and found there was a little man, a gnome to be exact, that Jason spent all his time with. The gnomes name... Heyreb. Jessica thought it was a funny name and kind of left it at that.
When she started playing the addicting game, she found that people pick names that mean something to them, that's if they are creative enough. Some people pick random game generated names. Boo... no fun. Jason's character Heyreb started a little fling with Jessica's character and they have been to the ends of the world and back again.
Back to RL (real life). I wanted to do something fun and exciting for giggles the other night, so I took Jason to the middle of town. We ate at Jason's Deli and then went to UNLV. Jason could not guess where we were going. That's a first. We were walking around and I was asking him what things were, and what buildings were where. AND THERE IT WAS!!!
Jess: Jason, what's that?
Jason: Oh, that's the Alumni Building.
Jess: No... what's that?
Jason: That's the building where alum's come and hang out and they do...
Jess: No Jason. The thing in front of the entrance.
Jason: I don't know... OH! It's a Heyreb!!!
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