Have you ever gone shopping for a friend? I have. Though there were many times I hated my move to Missouri, it was the best thing that could've happened to me. One of the greatest things I came back to Vegas with, was a friendship that would last forever.
While being in Missouri, I also came to realize what a friend is. My third grade teacher taught me many great life lessons. The one that has helped me become who I am is the great saying "Treat others as you wish to be treated." I realized this meant in EVERY aspect. It didn't apply just to, if I don't hit them, they won't hit me. It applied to, I'm going to give you the best kind of friendship I know how to give, because that's the kind of friendship I want in return.

This may all sound so cheesy to you, but I do have a point. This afternoon I went with a friend to go get some G's (religious clothing). She is going through the temple for the first time and I am so excited for her. She and I have found each other in fun times in our lives. While shopping she was trying to take in everything and I was trying to give some input (wanted or not) and also trying to keep her girls from hitting everything with their umbrellas. Her family is far away and I love being a fill in sister. She is someone I see everyday and never get sick of cause later today we went on a movie date.

Christmas was weird for me this year. I didn't have the spirit I generally do which is overwhelming to most people. This was the first year I didn't get to celebrate with my sister. M

In college I seemed to date all premissionaries. It's just what I did so I could finish college and not get tied down and having to drop out cause wifing and mommying were too much. One guy in particular was a really great friend of mine. I told him I wasn't going to wait for him, but I secretly wanted to. However, life happened and 6 months before he came home, I was living with my high school crush. A friend of mine dragged me to a singles dance and here came my return missionary and I broke down in his arms. For a year and a half I went through hell with my boyfriend cause he could not compare to this return missionary in any way. It had finally ended between us and the day I called the return missionary hoping to start up our old flame, he told me he was engaged. I admit, I was crushed for about 1 millionth of a s

Being a good friend doesn't mean that you always get things your way. It means you should hurt when your friend hurts. It's crying with them when they are overflowing with happiness. It's kidnapping them for a night cause their kids are driving them crazy. It's letting them pack your stuff, move it out and into their house cause you couldn't do it yourself. It's.... being the kind of friend you want them to be to you.
I am so thankful for the friends I have. The family that are my friends and the friends that are practically family.